Sunday is the best day for going to the local pub for many locals and visitors. It is a more relaxing experience than noisier Friday nights or sportier Saturdays. Great food and good company make Sunday an enjoyable experience. Sunday Lunch Sunday lunch in a UK pub is simply the best. Having delicious roasted pork, […]
When Should You Visit a Pub?
Typically, no one can stop you from visiting a pub as an adult unless they are holding a special occasion in the venue. Even so, you cannot spend all your time there because you have to strike a balance between when you are at home, at work and different locations having fun. Let us give […]
Other Popular Pubs and Bars
The three pubs above are just lucky to have made it to this list. With hundreds of bars and pubs within the UK, it takes a lot to make it into such a
Designing Pub and Bar Interiors
The look of a bar and pub interior will have a significant impact on how well it is received by the general public. When designing an interior, the owner will be able to express the individual brand and personality of their establishment. A good interior should be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Poorly designed ones […]
The Fuzzy Duck
One of the best and undoubtedly most delightful ways to experience the Cotswolds country life is to visit the Fuzzy Duck. The easy-themed pub in Armsc
Hand and Heart, Nottingham
The Hand and Heart continuously claims to be the UK’s oldest pub, but, for some reason, not many people seem to buy the tale. One thing that is not su
Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Run a Successful Bar
Did you know that about 60% of all new bar businesses dissolve in the first year, and only about 20% survive their fifth year? That’s an astonishingly low number for a business area that most people consider lucrative and easy to jump into. But don’t let the figure discourage you. If most people tend to […]
Staying Health Aware When on a Drinking Spree
Everyone loves to have a good time, and quite often that involves an evening at the pub or a night out bar hopping. It is the time to let your hair down, and either shake a leg or have good banter with your mates at the local. That said, it is essential to be health […]
Classifying Pubs and Bars in the UK
The bar and pub debate does not end without looking at some of the most popular joints in the UK. After looking at the history and best stories coming
The Baltic Fleet, Liverpool
One of UK’s most famous ancient-style pubs, The Baltic Fleet is a pub which any reveller will love. It maintains every essence of the pristine pub env