Staying Health Aware When on a Drinking Spree

Everyone loves to have a good time, and quite often that involves an evening at the pub or a night out bar hopping. It is the time to let your hair down, and either shake a leg or have good banter with your mates at the local.

That said, it is essential to be health aware when crawling the party scene. As lifestyle diseases and conditions continue to take a more prominent role in modern life, it is vital to keep tabs of what you consume at all times. Additionally, it is always essential to have a quick solution for whatever incident may occur.

Answers Just a Button Away

This is undoubtedly not to say that you should walk around with a first aid kit or a healthy consumption manual, whenever you are out for a tipple. Instead, you could have help which is only a click away at any hour of the day or night should the need arise.

This is made easy by the availability of General Practitioners ready to sort you out whenever you ask. With a Livi app, you can be sure to get help as soon as you need it. The app is a product of a likeable combination between health and IT experts, to make medical assistance available to citizens remotely round the clock. The team comprises of various practitioners ready to offer advice whenever required.

Did someone just pass out and people are freaking out? Are you doubtful of a pie which you feel may give you an allergic reaction? Relax, Livi has all the answers for you. All you need to do is ask. Make that easy by getting the Livi mobile app as part of your preparation for your night out.

Bars vs Pubs

This is a question which more often than not, pops up in drinking conversations. Of course, no one will stop to think whether an establishment is a bar or a pub when their throats are dry, but the distinction between the two is often confusing.

Distinguishing between the two is simple, really. From location to the type of crowd, there is a stark contrast between bars and pubs. A pub, short for ‘public house’ is a place where people, mostly locals, gather for drinks and food. It is usually open in the evening, after a day’s work. Most people in the pub know each other. If, for example, a person has a health problem, the patrons and servers probably know, and will keep that person away from that particular food.

Bars, on the other hand, are more of a party scene. They are usually located in urban places, and patrons are mostly unknown to each other. Here, a health problem may not have an immediate solution, and consulting a physician may be necessary if an incident occurs.

Staying Health Aware When on a Drinking Spree

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